Join the Group

The West Kent Badger Group is run entirely by volunteers and we welcome support from new members.

There are lots of ways you can help the Group:

By joining the Group; we have annual subscriptions for adults, children aged 15 or under and households. Group memberships are available too. Members receive regular newsletters, mailed directly to you at home, or if you prefer, by email.

You might also like to get actively involved (although this is not compulsory!) What are you interested in? What are you good at? Chances are your skills are just what we’re looking for! Whether it’s helping out with badger rescues, surveying a sett, writing an article for our newsletter, or even updating this web page for us, you’ll receive a warm welcome from the Group.

We also hold occasional meetings and events and bi-annual training sessions for anyone interested on how to rescue badgers. We are hoping to have a evening summer walk for members

If you would like to join the group, please complete the form below. Alternatively, if you prefer, please download, print and mail or email our membership application form here.


Membership Form

    Adult - £10Child aged 15 or under - £5Household membership for two people living at the same address – £15, plus £7 for each additional member. (Please add names of additional members in the Additional Comments box)


    Membership Fee (as of June 2024 )

    The annual subscription for membership of the West Kent Badger Group is:

    • Adults – £10
    • Children aged 15 and under – £5
    • Household membership for two people living at the same address – £15, plus £7 for each additional member. (Please add names of additional members in the Additional Comments box).

    By becoming a member of WKBG you will also be a member of the National Badger Trust. This costs WKBG £2 per person. It would be appreciated if you add £2 to the amounts above to cover this cost.

    If you are interested in group membership (e.g. schools, clubs, businesses) please email

    All membership applications are approved by the WKBG management committee. If your application is rejected, your membership fee will be returned.

    By providing your contact details and becoming a member of the West Kent Badger Group we will contact you from time to time about important issues concerning badgers and to publicise our events. If you do not wish to hear from us regarding these matters, please email us at or send a message through our website


    Payment options

    Bank transfer:

    Account name: West Kent Badger Group
    Sort Code: 20-88-13
    Account number: 30949388
    Reference: ‘MEMB’ and your name.


    Please send a cheque and a note referencing your name(s) and Application Number (generated when the form is submitted) to the group’s Membership Secretary at:

    119 Maidstone Road,
    Borough Green,
    TN15 8HE


    Please also consider setting up an annual standing order to the WKBG through your bank as this will save us time and money.

    Thank you for joining the West Kent Badger Group. We appreciate your support !