Lush is a well-known and much-loved cosmetic shop in Tunbridge Wells, founded in 1995 using completely natural products with an, “Against animal testing” policy. They sell only vegan and vegetarian products and have shops all over the Country. West Kent Badger Group has been involved with Lush for two and a half years now. They have been wonderful to us in helping us to campaign against the badger cull.


On Saturday 13th April, we were hosted by Lush in Tunbridge Wells. We were leafleting and explaining to people about the proposed expansion of the badger cull and the likelihood of epidemiological, or epi culling, becoming the new persecution in the life of our badgers. This would mean the continual killing of badgers across large and unspecified areas, with West and Middle England going for 100% wipe-out and possibly Kent and Sussex. Half the population has now been culled. A new Government could mean a change of policy.


Please join us if you can on one of our Lush days in August and October. We are there from 10 to 1 or can go longer.

— Valerie Russell