Shoreham Heavy Horse Show

Come and visit us at the Shoreham Heavy Horse show on the Sunday 1st September, where we have a stand with items to sell, activities for children and WKBG committee members to talk to about all aspects of badger lives and activities.

Please click here for more information about the Heavy Horse show.


Tunbridge Wells Lush - 30th Aug - 1st Sep

Visit us at Lush in Tunbridge Wells between 30th August - 1st September. This will be Lush's last charity pot and they would like to make it a big event, so there should be lots of partying!

We'll be be distributing leaflets and raising awareness of our group, as well as highlighting the ongoing badger cull, with a petition to sign to stop the cull.

Also, any WKBG members who can help out during the event to distribute leaflets and getting people to sign the petition would be greatly appreciated!


Badger Event at Tunbridge Wells Lush - Cancelled

*** Unfortunately we need to cancel this event at the last minute ***

Valerie Russell from the the West Kent Badger Group has organised two more events at Lush in Tunbridge Wells on 10th August and 26th October 2024. The events will take place in the morning but we can stay all day.

We'll be be distributing leaflets and raising awareness of our group, as well as highlighting the ongoing badger cull. This will be particularly important, given that it is the year of the General Election.

We would love as many members as possible to join us at the events!

Cudham Environmental Activities Centre Open Day

Cudham Environmental Activities Centre Open Day - June 29th 2024 from 11am to 4pm

Please join us at the Cudham Environmental Activities Centre Open Day as the centre celebrates its 50th birthday.

At 11:30am, the West Kent Badger Group will be providing information and leading a walk around the site, looking for signs of badgers.

Please see the flyer here for more details.


-- Kathie Foster

Folly Wildlife Rescue Talk and WKBG AGM 2024

The WKBG will be holding its AGM at 19:00 on Wednesday 19th June at Otford Memorial Hall.

Come and meet other members, hear about the work of the group and enjoy a talk about the work of the wonderful Folly Wildlife Rescue by Jessica Cater.

Note: Johnny Depp is unlikely to attend


Tunbridge Wells Lush Event

Lush is a well-known and much-loved cosmetic shop in Tunbridge Wells, founded in 1995 using completely natural products with an, "Against animal testing" policy. They sell only vegan and vegetarian products and have shops all over the Country. West Kent Badger Group has been involved with Lush for two and a half years now. They have been wonderful to us in helping us to campaign against the badger cull.


On Saturday 13th April, we were hosted by Lush in Tunbridge Wells. We were leafleting and explaining to people about the proposed expansion of the badger cull and the likelihood of epidemiological, or epi culling, becoming the new persecution in the life of our badgers. This would mean the continual killing of badgers across large and unspecified areas, with West and Middle England going for 100% wipe-out and possibly Kent and Sussex. Half the population has now been culled. A new Government could mean a change of policy.


Please join us if you can on one of our Lush days in August and October. We are there from 10 to 1 or can go longer.

-- Valerie Russell

Badger Events at Tunbridge Wells Lush

Valerie Russell from the the West Kent Badger Group has organised three events at LUSH in Tunbridge Wells on 13th April, 10th August and 26th October 2024. The events will take place in the morning but we can stay all day.

We'll be be distributing leaflets and raising awareness of our group, as well as highlighting the ongoing badger cull. This will be particularly important, given that it is the year of the General Election.

We would love as many members as possible to join us at the events!

Agnes and Wendy Update

An update from Jeff and Jessica about Agnes and Wendy; the two cubs that were rescued in February:


Agnes and Wendy are both doing well at Folly, drinking from their bottles and then sleeping being their favourite things to do. They now look like delightful miniatures of adult badgers. Agnes has had to fight all the way through her 8 weeks of life but is now clear of her immediate health problems and has finished with her medication.

The next challenge over the coming weeks is for them to put on weight and to gradually be weaned onto more solid food. This is likely to be a slow process accompanied by lots of tantrums from the two girls who rather like their puppy milk. Fingers crossed but so far so good.
Anyone wishing to help with these and the other cubs at Folly can visit the Folly wish list on Amazon, become a friend of Folly or simply make a donation. For some items on the wish list, like the puppy milk,  it is necessary to purchase them on Amazon as yourself and change the delivery address to:

Folly Wildlife Rescue
Fairview Lane
Tunbridge Wells

-- Jeff & Jessica


Wendy and Agnes - completely inseparable!

Badger Rescue and Release

In August 2023, Jeff and Jessica were involved in a rescue of a badger. The following is an account of the rescue and eventual release of the badger (which a few lucky members of the WKBG, including myself, were able to witness):


The rescue of this badger was after a call to Folly by a member of the public. He was on a grass verge beside a very busy and fast road, probably having been clipped by a car. Jessica and I had been out on a kestrel release when the call came in. We were not really equipped for a badger rescue, having only a very small cage and a net with us. It was clear that if we could not get the badger he would certainly venture onto the road and probably not survive the experience. On that basis we decided to improvise and give it a go, even though the lady who reported it was convinced that we would never fit the rather large badger into such a small cage. This was far from an orthodox or even ideal rescue but with the net securely over him he was unceremoniously manoeuvred, with a fair bit of difficulty, into the cage.

Once back at Folly he was sedated and examined. For once, not having a crush cage was an advantage as he was squeezed in so tight that giving him an injection was easy.

After a few weeks of rest, recuperation and medication at Folly he was deemed to be fit enough to go back into the wild. A visit to the original rescue site identified a quiet road very close to where he was found and this was selected for the release. A trip back to Folly was made to collect him and then a successful release that evening ended a happy story.

Not a text book rescue but sometimes needs must and the end result was good.


Pictures of the release:


Video of the badger being released: